Rename USB Flash Drive
Step 1: Insert your USB Flash Drive
into an available USB Port
Step 2: Press the windows key + R on your computer to start Windows
Step 3: You should see your USB Flash
Drive pop up in Windows Explorer as shown below.
Step 4: Right click on the drive letter that represents your USB Flash
Drive, and press Rename, as shown in the example below.
That’s it. You should now have successfully rename USB flash
There can be many reasons why you are unable to rename USB flash
Your Flash Drive may be corrupted,
USB port is not working or
Malware on your USB Flash drive.
You don’t have administration rights
In some public places, such as in a library, you may not be able
to rename USB Flash drive due to computer restrictions. (Administration rights)
You will only be able to do this, on a computer that don’t have computer
Check these scenarios and then try again. I hope this simple
tutorial has been successful for you.
Here are also some other great ways to rename USB Flash
Drive Check it out now from Windows 7 forums.
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