How to Measure Heart Rate Using Android Camera

Yes you read it right, You must be like What ? How can one Measure Heart Rate Using an Android Camera ?  Well let me tell you this is right and in this Article i will show you how to do it step by step.

The easiest way to Measure your heart rate is by measuring your pulse Count by placing fingers on the thumb, side of the wrist for a minute. but what if i tell you we have an app that will Count your Heart Rate easily ?

Measuring Heart Rate using Android Camera

How to Measure Heart Rate Using Android Camera
We are going to Use an app Instant Heart Rate which will use your Phone Camera to Measure your Heart rate in just a Matter of time.

1.How does it work ?

In Order to Measure your Heart rate , all you have to do is Hold your Fingers against your Phone Camera to Start measuring your Heat Rate, it normally takes 15-20 seconds to do this work.

Your Phones built-in camera is used to track color changes on the fingertip that are directly linked to your pulse. This is the same technique that medical pulse oximeters use.

Once the Measuring is done, the Real time Chart/Graph will be shown to you. The Graph will be divided in three colors like Gree, Yellow and Red which indicates Good, Average and Problematic Respectively.

Now another Question that May arise is how accurate it is, Well This app is very easy to use and the resurls are Accurate as well, you can say the usefullness of the app by reading the reviews and ratings on Google play store.

Download Instant Heart Rate
