Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is the fastest way to drive instant traffic to your website but it may cause you to loss money if you did not use the right techniques to create effective ads that can make money especially if you use Google AdWords as your advertising platform. AdWords PPC is the most competitive advertising channels where most of online marketers are trying to utilize it to generate profits, but unfortunately most of them failed eventually. What make most of them can't make money with AdWords?
Here are the 5 common Google AdWords PPC mistakes made by most of internet marketers:
!b>1. Setting Initial Bids Too High
Most of internet marketers start bidding too high just to get top position before they identify their profitable keywords. Bidding at $0.50 or $1.00 per keyword may get you at the top position of the search result, but it will cost you if those clicks do not convert into sales. You should test out your AdWords ads with a range of targeted keywords with lower bid price and monitor them to see which those keywords make profits. Then, discard the keywords that just bring clicks without conversion and focus on keywords that make money.
2. Enable Ads On Content Network
Most people forget to turn of the content ads when they start a new campaign. Before you confirm that your new campaign is effective to make profits, it is advisable to turn off the content network and focus only on the search. Enabling AdWords campaign on content network will cause your ads to appear at relevant sites that have AdSense ads, which will increase the ads impressions and decrease your CTR (Click-through-rate) that causes the quality score of your ads go down and you need to pay higher bids to activate your keywords.
3. Wrong & Untargeted Keywords
If you are selling ring tones for mobile phone, targeting keyword "mobile phone" may bring you a lot of clicks, but those clickers may not be your potential buyers as they may just want to find new mobile phone, mobile phone wallpapers or application & etc. Using wrong or untargeted keywords bring a lot of clicks but without profits for you, by doing this, you are giving away free money to Google.
4. Poor Or Non Attractive Ads
You may using the right keywords, reasonable bid price and you ads appear in the keywords search results, but you get a low CTR. Then, it is something wrong with your ads. It may not deliver the correct message or give the searchers what they are looking for. Poor or non attractive ads will make your ads appear without clicks, hence no traffic being drive to your destination and you make no money.
5. Bad Landing Page
No matter how good your ads and how targeted your keywords are, the traffic you drive to a landing page, either the sales page of merchants or your own landing page at your website will be wasted if the destination page is a bad landing page. Driving traffic to a bad land page will cause low conversion and you may not make enough profits to cover for your marketing costs.
Once you have learned how to avoid the above mistakes, you will be able to start to earn money with Google AdWords by creating profitable campaigns.
Here are the 5 common Google AdWords PPC mistakes made by most of internet marketers:
!b>1. Setting Initial Bids Too High
Most of internet marketers start bidding too high just to get top position before they identify their profitable keywords. Bidding at $0.50 or $1.00 per keyword may get you at the top position of the search result, but it will cost you if those clicks do not convert into sales. You should test out your AdWords ads with a range of targeted keywords with lower bid price and monitor them to see which those keywords make profits. Then, discard the keywords that just bring clicks without conversion and focus on keywords that make money.
2. Enable Ads On Content Network
Most people forget to turn of the content ads when they start a new campaign. Before you confirm that your new campaign is effective to make profits, it is advisable to turn off the content network and focus only on the search. Enabling AdWords campaign on content network will cause your ads to appear at relevant sites that have AdSense ads, which will increase the ads impressions and decrease your CTR (Click-through-rate) that causes the quality score of your ads go down and you need to pay higher bids to activate your keywords.
3. Wrong & Untargeted Keywords
If you are selling ring tones for mobile phone, targeting keyword "mobile phone" may bring you a lot of clicks, but those clickers may not be your potential buyers as they may just want to find new mobile phone, mobile phone wallpapers or application & etc. Using wrong or untargeted keywords bring a lot of clicks but without profits for you, by doing this, you are giving away free money to Google.
4. Poor Or Non Attractive Ads
You may using the right keywords, reasonable bid price and you ads appear in the keywords search results, but you get a low CTR. Then, it is something wrong with your ads. It may not deliver the correct message or give the searchers what they are looking for. Poor or non attractive ads will make your ads appear without clicks, hence no traffic being drive to your destination and you make no money.
5. Bad Landing Page
No matter how good your ads and how targeted your keywords are, the traffic you drive to a landing page, either the sales page of merchants or your own landing page at your website will be wasted if the destination page is a bad landing page. Driving traffic to a bad land page will cause low conversion and you may not make enough profits to cover for your marketing costs.
Once you have learned how to avoid the above mistakes, you will be able to start to earn money with Google AdWords by creating profitable campaigns.
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