Mozilla Firefox Free

Browser, is a program that enables a computer to locate, download, and display documents containing text, sound, video, graphics, animation, and photographs located on computer networks. The act of viewing and moving about between documents on computer networks is called browsing

Browsers allow users to access Web information by locating documents on remote computers that function as Web servers. A browser downloads information over phone lines to a user’s computer through the user’s modem and then displays the information on the computer

In the early 1990's there was only one web browse which was worth using and that wasr Netscape. Then can internet explorer which was given to us by Microsoft bundled with its OS. It is difficult to recommend internet explorer due to on-going security concerns. A new set of browsers that are feature rich, very secure, and super fast are now available to browse the net.

One of the popular one is Mozilla Firefox. It loads slower than IE but once running, it positively zips along. Firefox is extensible through add-ins.

Download Mozilla firefox

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